Judgment for Jude: Wolves of Solara IIII Page 9
“I am relaxed. Izznot my fault I’m mussely,” The Alpha slurred, turning his head to the other side and moving his hands from his sides to rest underneath his head.
“You are pretty fit. But I already knew that when I got on you the first time.”
I nearly fell off of Jude as he flipped over, but he was quick to reach for my waist, keeping me balanced above him as I now sat on his pelvis. I could feel how hard he had become at only the touch of my massage.
“Did that mean anything to you?” he asked, suddenly quite serious as his brows furrowed, almost glaring up at me as though I’d done something wrong.
“Did you only do that to keep us from gettin’ busted, or do you like me?” he breathed, his eyes falling halfway shut. The pills must have been kicking in hard for him to be discussing things in this manner.
“Of course, I like you, silly,” I told him, watching him carefully as a wide grin spread across his face. While it was true—I did like him—I didn’t want to think about that right now. I couldn’t let the guilt get to me about what I was about to do.
“I knew it. Jasonza idiot,” he cooed, his hands trailing up over my torso and pulling me down to lay atop him. His mouth found mine quickly with persistent though lazy wet kisses.
“I like you too. So much...” He hummed, his tongue flicking over my lips, asking for entrance inside.
“Really?” I asked, allowing him in. He paused as he sucked on my tongue before flitting his own across my teeth, feeling my fangs, much smaller than his in comparison.
“Mmm. I’m sorry I couldn’t find Xander. Don’t leave... please...” He hissed as I bit at his lower lip, pulling himself away from me.
“I won’t.”
I lied.
I was going to leave him.
I had to.
“Good.” He rolled over again, this time keeping me with him, against his taut chest. He flipped so that I was underneath him, which was definitely different than how it was during our first encounter. “I want you.”
“Take me then,” I panted, becoming as excited as he was. How he was talking to me, the words he was saying—even Leon hadn’t made me feel like this in quite some time. Not since before I had even given birth to Xander.
Even if he was only saying this because he was so inebriated, it didn't matter.
He didn’t even bother with taking off my shirt, instead reaching out for my pants and shredding the fabric as he cared little for removing them properly.
Jude reached forward, grabbing my hand, and making me hold onto his member, helping me stroke it as he shoved his own pants off and down to his knees. The baby oil still left on his fingers coated his shaft.
“Glenn,” Jude moaned as I spread my legs for him, allowing him to guide himself towards my entrance. Instead of just plunging himself straight inside, he was patient, the slick oil making it much easier than last time to guide his head inside. But he didn’t go all the way at first. Instead, he appeared content with merely rocking his hips back and forth and allowing me to adjust to his quite massive size before inching in slowly.
It was almost off-putting, the glazed hazy look in his eyes as he stared straight into mine. I brought my hands up to link around his neck, staring back at him. For a moment, it wasn’t obvious whether it was the drugs causing the hazy appearance or if it was something more—something worthwhile that made him look at me in such a way.
I bit my tongue as he slid in even deeper until he was finally seated fully inside me. My back arched at the sensations, and he allowed his body to press on top of mine. The Alpha’s lips moved against my neck, as if he was talking, but only inaudible whispers came from him. His hips kept rocking before he started to pull himself out further before sliding back in, still being gentle, almost too much so.
“Jude,” I moaned, my parted lips calling for him to meet his. As he kissed me, pressing even harder with his mouth, he bucked his hips in after sliding halfway out. But he still wasn’t rough. He was taking his time with me and allowing the pleasure to build up for the both of us.
Lazily, romantically, lovingly... He took me just like that, the minutes passing by so slowly but perfectly. Every thrust he drove in made my cock even harder, and his body rolling forward massaged it between our stomachs, my pleasure growing even greater at the feeling.
Jude’s movements grew became more sporadic, occasionally thrusting harder than he meant, his hips growing jerky. It was partly my fault, as I started to buck my own hips up into him, getting so close... way too close...
“Damn it,” I cursed as he slipped a hand in between us, grabbing my member and rubbing it in rhythm with his motions. “I’m gonna... Fuuuuuck,” I moaned loudly, tossing my head back against the sheets as I came, my manhood twitching. I could feel my seed spurt out, covering his hand as he continued stroking me.
The sensation was almost way too much for me to handle, and I thrashed my pelvis wildly, overwhelming pleasure coming from him as he started to pound himself into me more roughly, his breathing growing ragged.
“Glenn,” He growled low, arching his back as his face was next to mine, his cheek pressing firmly against mine as he huffed against my ear, “I... I love you... Shit...!” he moaned, his body jerking as I felt him pull out of me quickly, shooting his seed across my upper thighs.
My eyes snapped open wider at his proclamation, but he had fallen over to the side, his eyes closed with a soft smile on his face.
“Jude... Jude are you awake?”
“Mmmm.” He shook his head, spread-eagle on the bed with his a knee cocked to the side.
I gritted my teeth and scrambled over to straddle him once more, caring little about the fluid that squished between our bodies. I leaned back to reach into the pockets of his pants, his wallet still hanging in the back pocket of the trousers. My jaw muscles flexed as I stood, hastily redressing myself as I noted that the Alpha was completely unconscious.
This was the moment.
He had just said he loved me. But he was out of his mind. He didn’t know what he was saying with the drugs and alcohol in full effect. No, I couldn’t feel bad about this—yet.
It didn’t matter how sweet he made love to me, or what he had said.
This was too important to start letting the guilt overwhelm me now. But...
“I’m sorry,” I whispered, practically running out of the room and out of the house.
I had to meet Leon.
I had to see my son.
“My head, ugh...” I groaned, rolling over onto my side and gripping my pillow tightly enough to my face I could have smothered myself. My head was pounding miserably, but there was no way in hell that I could possibly have this much of a hangover from the two glasses of Scotch I’d had. Not to mention the fact that this felt much worse than a typical hangover. I released the pillow, willing myself to sit up completely on the bed, and only then did I notice I was totally naked. I clawed at the sheets, attempting to stand up on my wobbly legs.
Maybe I just needed some water or something. Shaking my head, I forced myself to lean against the wall, using it as leverage while I lumbered towards the small bathroom in my room. As soon as I entered the already open door, I leaned my body weight onto the sturdy sink. A wave of nausea began to pulse through my body. There were only a few seconds between my opening up the lid to the toilet and the violent projectile vomit I launched, hitting the toilet and splashing along the rim.
My stomach continued to squeeze tightly as I dry heaved. The initial purge of liquid was bitter, and the color of my puke was off, foggy and white, not solely bile.
What the fuck had happened last night?
As the dry heaving subsided, I turned to the sink again, turned on the cold water, and promptly covered my face with splashes of the cooling liquid. After the first two splashes, I was able to focus and wake myself up even more. Thank the Gods for that.
But why was I here, naked and alone
and so fucked up? Wasn’t I with Glenn last night? I glared at my reflection, trying to remember. Yes, he was here with me. He led me to the bedroom after we turned off the television.
What about after that? Where had he gone to? Out? No, impossible. Even with the blinds shut in my room, it was still relatively dark outside. It had to be very early in the morning, no later than 6:00 am.
With a bit of renewed energy thanks to the cold water, I was able to stumble back into the room without the use of the wall, although I nearly fell over once or twice onto my clothing that was littered across the floor.
I dropped to my knees as I reached the bed, digging into my pants to find my car keys. I was gonna have to go look for Glenn. I hoped he was down in the lobby. If not, I didn’t know what I would do if I found him again. No way he put something in my drink. He wouldn’t.
My keys finally fell out of my pants pocket, aggravating my headache with their jingling racket as they plummeted to the floor. Though to my surprise, my wallet was nowhere to be found alongside them.
My eyes widened, the realization sinking over me. He did! That fucking Grey Brotherhood bastard stole my wallet, didn’t he?!
I snarled, snatching up my keys as I found a shirt and a pair of joggers to dress myself, not bothering with underwear or socks. Glenn was gone and so was my money and identification. I hoped to the Gods that he had a rational explanation for all of this. And as much as I hated to admit it, Jason was right. I should have been far more careful with allowing one of their kinds into my home.
The way he was so quiet, he'd seemed so trustworthy. How easily he had given me his body and acted as though he had been interested in me. I was a fool. And my pack knew it. Maybe Lucas was right before. Maybe I wasn’t fit to be the Alpha anymore.
“That motherfucker!” I shouted, swinging my door open hard enough to sink the handle into the wall behind it, and it wasn't cheap plaster. I glanced at the break going down the center of the door’s wood. Great, just more things I didn’t have money to fix now.
“What’s going on?” Lucas asked, stepping out of his room while wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. I ignored him, doing a quick sweep of the living room. Of course, Glenn wasn’t asleep on the couch where he had been staying.
As I stepped out of my condo, I pulled out my phone and swiped up, unlocking it and going into the app that connected me to the phone I’d given Glenn. Wherever the fuck he was, I was going to find him.
Easily enough, I was connected to his location, and he was still moving. I was gonna have to get to him fast before he was gone with everything of mine. But before I could launch myself into the elevator, the door behind me burst open as well. I spun around to find Lucas with a serious look on his face.
“The fuck is your problem?” He frowned and he backed down just as quickly after assessing me over. My pissed look was probably a giveaway that it wasn’t the right time to be messing with me.
“Glenn. He’s gone,” I replied, keeping myself collected, though inside I wanted to punch a few more well-deserved holes into the walls of the hallway around us.
“Shit, you serious?” He gaped, looking back into the house as Jason’s head also popped into view from behind him.
“I was hoping to get a bit more sleep before I had to go to work.”
“Glenn’s gone,” Lucas replied to the now stunned Jason.
“Shit. What happened?”
“I don’t know. But I’m about to go find him.”
“And Leon is out there too. What if he was taken?” Jason suggested.
“No way. He couldn’t have gotten up here with the elevator man on deck.” Lucas rolled his eyes at the redhead’s words, but I snapped to get their attention and to cease the bickering that was inevitable.
“It doesn’t matter. Either way, I’m going to find him, so don’t wait up.”
“Wait! Let me come,” Lucas pleaded, stepping across the threshold to stand at my side now. “You need people you can trust. If this was some kinda trap, Silver would kill me for letting you go on your own.”
“Silver’s gonna kill you for leaving either way.” It was hard to hide the smile coming at his sworn allegiance.
“I’ll come too. I’ll just have to take a sick day. Better safe than sorry. And it might help to call the police too. If it does have anything to do with Leon, it’ll be best for them to take his ass to jail, better than another covert mission like with Declan.”
“Really, you both wanna come with me over something like this?” I blinked. I didn’t know why this was surprising to me, but I couldn’t help the sense of pride I had from my pack mates offering up their aid.
“Of course, you’re our leader.” Lucas winked, passing me as he walked towards the elevator, Jason in tow.
“What he said.”
Glenn. A part of me wished that this was just a simple robbery, that he had only used me and fled. But with the Grey Brotherhood trying to rebuild themselves after recruiting more corrupt officers, I was scared this was going to be something much more dangerous.
“Thanks,” I reached into Jude’s wallet and extracted two twenty-dollar bills, handing them over to the taxi driver as I departed from the vehicle.
“You sure this is where you wanna be dropped off?” The man asked me curiously, looking over my shoulder at the underwhelming building I was told to go to.
“Yeah, I’m sure. Thank you again,” I said, shutting the door and waiting for the taxi to speed off before I walked towards the door. We were just on the outskirts of Solara. The location reminding me of the Gilded Heart—a bunch of nothing with a few abandoned buildings around. But it was on the opposite side of town, one that we didn’t frequently go to, as it was territory to other wilder wolves.
With a gulp, I stepped up the creaking and rotted stairs that led to the porch. I nearly fell through the second step as it cracked but was quick enough to not trip up. I took a deep breath, held it, and knocked on the door four times, as instructed.
But after a few minutes, no one had answered.
I knocked again, and again.
“Hello?!” I shouted, still banging away as the door suddenly swung open.
“We were in the back,” the man who had answered said, before suddenly recognizing me.
“Shit, Glenn. You’re here too?”
I blinked, recognizing him as the blonde from before, at the police station as well as the club. This asshole was everywhere.
“I feel like that’s something I should be saying.” I pushed my way in past him, looking around the vacant living room, or what I assumed to be one. There was only a fireplace, the cinders dying down into faintly burning embers, but no furniture. A bit of trash and newspapers were ripped up and laying around.
But that was it.
“Where is everyone?” I asked, turning back to the blonde who was now walking through the house towards what I assumed the back room.
“I told you, we were in the back. Come on.” He guided me, and I stayed close on his tail, feeling on edge about being here without anyone to help me should Leon decide to cause harm to me. Shit, I couldn't believe I had come here on my own.
“This place is a lot bigger than I thought,” I admitted, as we stepped out of the obviously original hallway into a new half that had been connected to extend the hallway even further. There were no doors on either side after leaving the first part of the hall.
“Well, we’ve been moving from house to house for a while, but after we found this baby, we decided to bunk down for a bit. I think it used to be a drug den. Whoever was here first had it built and connected to the house behind it.”
Soon enough, the only door ahead of us could be seen, and it was already beginning to feel much warmer as we approached. The blonde knocked four times, with a space of three seconds between each knock as I had been instructed to do out front.
He didn’t wait to be let in, however, instead allowing himself inside.
Within were many
faces I remembered from working at the club, and some that I didn’t. I assumed them to be the police officers that had joined the Grey Brotherhood in search of money. If they had never assisted Leon and the rest of these idiots in getting out, this wouldn’t be happening right now.
“Glenn. Pleasure seeing you outside of a jail,” I heard Leon announce as he rose from a patchy sofa to the far left corner of the room close to another fireplace that had roaring flames. Weren’t they worried about someone seeing smoke?
“Leon. Wish I could say the same.” I wrinkled my nose, looking around the room at the dozens of other people smushed in together like a pack of sardines. “Where’s Xander?”
“He’s here. Get the kid, Albert!” Leon snapped as he turned to one of the men I believed to be an ex-officer.
“Fine, fine,” he grunted, standing up and heading towards another room. I waited, my arms folded across my chest defensively. Leon approached me slowly, a smirk on his face before he extended a hand out, letting the backs of his fingers brush against the side of my cheek. I turned my head away quickly at his touch. He wasn’t the reason I was here, though it definitely felt awkward having so many pairs of eyes on us.
“Don’t be like that,” Leon purred, coming close enough that I could feel his breath on my face. Before I could offer a retort, the man our Alpha had sent out returned, and Xander was in his arms, asleep.
“Xander!” I breathed. I couldn’t believe it. After all this time, here he was. I finally had my son! “Give him to me!”
“One second,” Leon said, turning to stand in front of me and my child who was in the arms of that filthy stranger. My jaw clenched as I stared him straight in the eyes, glaring hard.
“What do you want?”
Leon extended his hand out to me, his fingers curling in as if he was waiting to accept something from me.