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Judgment for Jude: Wolves of Solara IIII Page 6

  I sat on the bed, nervous. The stress of my stock business disappearing from my mind as the door to my room opened again. Glenn peeked his head in, smiling at me and entering. I thought my eyes were going to fall from my skull as my mouth fell open, blatantly ogling Glenn and what he was wearing—or wasn't wearing.

  While it was reminiscent of what he had worn before at the sex club, this was much more appealing to me. A velvet choker clung loosely on his neck, tied at the back with a gold chain that was long enough to be pulled forward and over his shoulder. Looking lower, a gold body chain, the color complimenting his tanned skin tone. And lower still was a leather thong with multiple straps at various heights over his hips. I gulped, watching him approach me even closer.

  "These aren't very practical," I mumbled as he came close enough for me to feel his thighs bump against my knees. I leaned back further onto the bed, resting on my elbows. He smirked, fingering his collar while staring me down.

  "Should I take something off?" He purred, and I felt that tingle start to flood my lower stomach, crawling down my hips and into my groin. The way he watched me made me feel almost helpless. Like he could control my every movement with just his say so.

  "I think you should leave it on," I grunted as he spread my legs to either side and stepped in between them, pressing his pelvis firmly against my crotch before rolling himself against me.


  His hands reached out as he leaned over my body, pressing against my chest with a bit of force, causing me to lie down completely on my back. My thoughts were mush now, as he was my sole focus. My breath began to quicken as he climbed atop of me, sliding one knee over my leg and then the other. He continued to roll his hips, but now that he was totally on top, I knew for certain that he could feel my growing attraction towards him.

  "I've barely started, and you're already like this?" Glenn flipped his hair back off his shoulders, turning around so that his back was in my view. Though I was staring straight at his rather voluminous assets. The muscles in his back tightened and flexed with his grinding motions, and I couldn't help but reach up and grab onto his hips, pulling him onto me even harder as I began to grind upwards against him.

  "I lied," I groaned, tossing my head into the bed as I pulled down with my claws, gently enough to not rip his flesh open, but rough enough to tug down the multiple strings coming from his undergarments down. "I do want this off."

  "You're so stressed lately. Just relax. Let me take care of it," Glenn cooed, raising up to stand on his knees while expertly removing the thong and flinging it off to the side. While raised, he bent forward even further, careful to not fall off the side of the bed.

  He spat into his hand and brought it back, spreading the saliva over his fully exposed entrance. He wasn't bashful at all with putting it all on display, and I wasn't displeased. He had said to relax, so I did, folding my arms behind my head, enjoying the show.

  He didn't waste time. Still raised onto his knees, he began pulling my pants and boxer briefs down together, wriggling them over my hips just enough until my member sprung free of its confines.

  "Ohhh, that looks big," He tilted his head down, getting a better look as he fingered the tip. Glenn ran his finger around the head, tracing his finger in the precum and down the rest of the shaft. I chewed on my lip as he did, my cock starting to quiver. I was like putty in his hands.

  He slowly gripped me in his hands, angling himself right above my member before pressing it against his entrance. He tossed his head back, sending a waterfall of hair down and partially obscuring my view while he pierced himself onto me. He bounced gently, trying to adjust himself to my size before looking at me from over his shoulder again.

  With a wink, he slammed himself right onto me. I thought I was gonna explode right then, but as quickly as his body swallowed me whole, he slid up and did it again. Over and over. He wasn't gentle and he clearly wasn't looking for something gentle in return.

  His hands were on my knees, his claws surely having ripped through the fabric as he balanced himself to keep riding me. Our skin was already glistening in sweat, and the sounds of his bare flesh slapping against me only heightened the pleasure.

  "Gods be damned," I moaned aloud, gritting my teeth as he rode me with prowess I'd never experienced before. He must have learned how to be so vicious from his previous job, but I didn't dwell on it.

  "You like that?" Glenn smiled, unfazed by it all aside from the slight wince he gave every time he came back down onto me. But with him staring into my eyes while riding me in reverse, it was quickly becoming far too much to handle.

  "Fuck!" I bucked my hips back up into him, removing my hands from behind my head to grip and tear at the bed sheets instead. I was unable to control myself any longer. I could already feel myself throbbing inside him as I tossed my head back into the sheets. My leg muscles spasmed as he squeezed himself even tighter around my cock.

  He stayed like that, taking every little bit of seed I poured into him, and did his best to hide his discomfort as I swelled, stuck inside of him for the time being.

  "I didn't think you could get any bigger," he grunted, attempting to spin himself around but unable to.

  "Sorry." I sighed, realizing that while I had finished, it didn't occur to me to keep going until he did as well. It'd be so long since I'd slept with someone, I guess there really was no holding back.

  He shrugged, "It was still fun for me."

  I nodded, waiting for my knot to subside so that we could finally part. It was only minutes until we could finally detach from one another. And only then that I realized we probably should have used a condom.

  I rolled over onto the far right side of the bed, allowing Glenn some space to lie down as well. My forearm pressed against the top of my forehead, wiping the sweat off of my brow. I had barely done any of the work and I was already worn out. I didn't say anything to Glenn, content on just falling asleep. He had literally drained me of any energy that I had left. But as my eyes began to fall shut, keen to just slip into a slumber, I felt Glenn nuzzle against my shoulder. I didn't reciprocate, but neither did I push him away.

  "Jude?" He gave me a slight shake as his hands snaked up my bare torso to rest against my chest.


  "I was thinking," He began, placing small kisses along my shoulder and leaning up to spread them across my collar bones. I found myself craning my neck to the side, allowing him access to more flesh to touch with his lips. "We should push through to find Xander. Like, as soon as possible."

  "Mhm," I mumbled, my breathing starting to even out, and I focused on three-count inhales and long drawn out exhales to help myself fall asleep even faster. I didn't really care what exactly he was speaking about. I was so tired...

  "And a lawyer. We should go tomorrow."

  I yawned, rolling over and away from his kisses, folding the end of my pillow against my face, the coolness of the fabric doing wonders for how hot my flesh was.

  "Mkay. Tomorrow. Sleep now..." I focused more, zoning in on my breaths until whatever else Glenn was saying faded away and I was finally out.



  I stared solemnly at the dark wood of the desk in front of me, counting the small lines of lighter color melding throughout edges of the wood while Jude and his lawyer were talking. Only when he began to stack the documents in his hands did I look up. The official-looking document I had received and hesitated to open now lay in front of all of us.

  Most of what they spoke about was beyond my level of understanding—too many formal terms and phrases used in a court of law that I wasn't familiar with. But things weren't looking as bleak as I had assumed. While I was going to be charged with what Reese had suggested—prostitution—they were willing to give me some leeway. There was no way they could have known everything that I'd done. And thankfully the gang affiliation couldn't be proven many of the wolves inside vouched for me during their quick court proceedings. But still, having that attached to my
name and Jude right here hearing about all the details of what I'd done when I had to account them to the lawyer, I was worried what he was going to think about me as well.

  "Glenn, are you paying attention?" The lawyer, Markus, asked, looking me over with false sincerity. I nodded my head with a stern look on my own face.

  "Yes. What was that last part though?"

  "They're willing to throw out all charges that include jail time. At least, they're willing to drop it down to community service."

  "And all he has to do is plead guilty?" Jude inquired, resting an arm on the desk and leaning closer to the other man.

  "Well, yes. And he also is going to have to testify against Leon in court. Most of the other wolves are far too frightened to do such a thing, so they need at least one testimony to lock him away for good."

  "Well? How about it?" Jude asked, turning towards me.

  "I don't know if I can." I swallowed hard.

  "What? Why not? Would you rather stay locked up in prison with him? He already did a number on you." The alpha frowned.

  "I'm... scared... of what he might do afterward."

  "He'll be locked up in prison once they find him. He can't do anything. We just need your confession." That obnoxious lawyer continued to push the issue, but I didn't want to hear any more of it. I jerked up, slamming a hand onto his table, sending a few of the papers and my mail from the courthouse onto the floor.

  "You just don't understand! You can't! Leon is dangerous. You don't know what he's capable of and the pull that he has in that prison. He'll get out again, I know he will!"

  "Pull? You mean with the other inmates who were arrested?"

  "Leon and his gang had some people within the police department. People working alongside them to get a cut. They're the ones who helped him escape in the first place. I know it!"

  "Dirty cops? This isn't a movie, boys. Your imagination is working overtime."

  "I'm afraid he's right," Jude said, serious, his brows lowering as he glared at the lawyer. The man immediately withdrew, clearing his throat and leaning over from his seat to gather the documents that I'd mussed up.

  "But why come after you alone? Just for testifying?" The man stacked his papers once again.

  "Because of our... history."

  "Just because you were working for him? There's plenty of wolves who were too."

  "No, not just that." Jude turned to me, a brow arched in confusion. I was hesitant to tell Markus the truth with him here. "We had relations... of the romantic sort."

  "W-well, either way, we're still going to need that confession. If you're worried that he's going to come after you, maybe we can ask to put you away into a witness protection program."

  "He'll be safe with me," Jude growled, and I couldn't help but feel myself flush at the comment. Yet I also felt shameful at the fact that I was using him.

  "If you say so. Either way, I'll continue with the proceedings and with the testimony as planned. Supposedly, they have a lead on him. He's hiding out somewhere instead of fleeing. For what reason, I'm unsure. But once they capture him, we'll be continuing with the court proceedings immediately. So, expect a call from me any time now."

  "Are you okay?" Jude asked, ignoring the lawyer as he turned towards me with an outstretched hand. His touch felt absolutely hot against my skin. "You're looking pale."

  "I just need some water." I stood up and headed out of the office towards the lobby area. They didn't say anything as I left, shutting the door behind me, and leaning against it with a sigh. The assistant was missing from their desk out front, meaning I was alone now. I tilted my head back against the door, leaning into the small blinds that covered the window in the middle of it.

  Just the thought of having to go up against Leon was scaring me, and I wanted nothing to do with him. And who was to say they'd even find him or wherever he had fled to? So, what was the point of volunteering my word to get community service instead of just being let go? What a bullshit plea deal!

  "What's wrong with you, Jude?" I could hear the lawyer speak up from behind the door, and I froze in place, not wanting to move should my head rustle the blinds more and make them think I was eavesdropping.

  Which I suppose I technically was.

  "What do you mean?" Jude replied.

  "With that mess? Why even get involved at this point? I'm not one to deny the money you'll have to be paying to care for that rat, but this is beneath you."

  "Beneath me? What are you implying?"

  "Just let him go to jail and be done with it. Wipe your hands clean of the situation. Involving yourself in this situation isn’t going to be beneficial for you.”

  “And who are you to get into my business in such a manner?”

  “I’ve been helping you with your business for a long time now.”

  “Then why start caring? Just take my money and do your job already.”

  “Take it easy, sir, I didn’t mean any harm by it.”

  I leaned off of the door, grabbing one of the small paper cups to fill it with water, moving over towards the water dispenser as quickly as possible as soon as I heard footsteps coming from the small hallway that led to the restrooms.

  The secretary came out, his hands still slightly dampened. We exchanged a nod as he began to wipe off his hands onto his dress pants and took his place once more behind his desk. After a few gulps, the water was gone and the cup now disposed of so that I could re-enter the office.

  Jude and his lawyer both turned around to look at me as I came in, Markus appearing quite disgruntled as he continued to stack his papers, as if he hadn’t been doing that enough lately.

  I shot the man a dirty look as I took my seat once more. I couldn’t believe he’d advise such a thing to Jude, even if it was in the interest of his so-called ‘well being’. Jude was paying him money for his services, not for his advice!

  “Are we going to go ahead and move forward with the plea deal or not?” I inquired with a sickly sweet smile, leaning my elbows onto the desk while resting my hands underneath my chin, fingers interlocked.

  “Y-yes. We are.” The lawyer stumbled over his words after turning to Jude only to receive a hard look, complete with furrowed brows and a snarl. “I’m sure you’ll be happier to receive community service than to serve time in jail, at the very least. Be thankful to Jude.”

  “I know how to repay him.” I winked, leaning back into my chair. I didn’t want to put Jude off. I still needed him financially. And I needed to completely ignore that sinking feeling in my stomach from using him. Maybe in the future, after I got Xander back and we were safe, after Leon was captured and prosecuted by the police, I could make it up to the Alpha. So long as there was hope he wasn’t going to rip my head off after he inevitably found out about my plans to use him.

  “Good. Then, I will contact the courthouse and county office tomorrow with the proceedings. If I need anything else from you two, I’ll be sure to get in contact with you.”

  “Thanks,” Jude muttered, scooting to push himself away from the desk, the metal of the legs on his chair giving a loud screeching sound that surely annoyed the lawyer with the way the corners of his eyes twitched at the sudden noise. I followed suit, being sure to push mine out even slower, drawing out that irritating screech before following Jude out of the room.

  Just like the gentleman he appeared to be, Jude opened the door up for me as we exited the lawyer's office.

  He started up the car and nearly burnt out of the parking lot. I found myself holding onto the side and center console as he tore off onto the street rather aggressively.

  “Are you all right, Jude?” I asked him, taking a breath to calm my nerves as we swerved around a slower car.

  “No, I’m pissed off.”

  “About what?”

  Jude shook his head, pulling to an abrupt stop at the traffic light once it flashed red. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “Okay. But, while we’re out, there’s one more thing I need to do.”

/>   “And what would that be?” he asked, staring at the lights with a glare, as if he was urging them to hurry up and change so that he could put as much distance between us and the lawyer as possible. I knew what the lawyer had said to him, but I was surprised to see how angry it had made him. I knew I didn’t mean anything to him, even if I had given the Alpha my body. What was pissing him off so badly?

  “About my kid... You had promised to help find him, and I was wondering if you’d figured anything else out? Or do we need to go to find some registry or something to get this done as fast as possible and find Xander.”

  “Actually...” Again, I could feel myself press back into the seat as Jude sped off from the street light. “I already have someone searching for him. This morning I found a private detective who will go search for the kid—Markus is handling the paperwork for his services. There’s a lot of laws stipulating what he can and can’t do, especially when it involves a minor. So however long we have to wait to see the results of his searches is when I can actually do anything more about it. But I always keep my promises.”

  I bit my lip, turning my attention back to the road. I really hoped I could trust him at his word alone, but I’d had too many promises broken in the past.



  “You have no idea how good it is to actually taste real food.” Alfie smiled, though there was strain at the corners of his lip as he attempted to sit forward once more. No matter how many times I had tried or others had offered to help sit him up, he refused. He wanted to learn how to do everything on his own once again, including feeding himself.

  “I’m sure. Better than being force-fed through a tube filled with whatever it is they use.” Lucas cringed. Alfie nodded in agreement, shakily grabbing the plastic spoon he’d been provided, while his other hand snatched up the tiny container of applesauce. While there was nothing spectacular about the snack, it must have quenched whatever desire he had to eat, much like a man reaching water after a trek through the desert.